So you offer a great service & you want to start expanding, but because you’re not too sure of the best way to generate high quality construction leads for your business, you decide to start looking into Home Advisor leads as a means of generating new business…

(For a much better alternative to Home Advisor leads, check out this article…)

The idea is nice, sure…

But there’s a few hidden costs that are associated with buying Home Advisor leads that most contractors don’t even see coming before it’s too late…

And I wanted to share with you 3 concepts that I discovered from a conversation I had with one of my coaching clients in Denver, CO about his experience with buying leads from home advisor

(the 3rd one is devastating…)

Home Advisor Leads: The Fastest Race To The Bottom…

home advisor leadsBuying leads from Home Advisor, or any other construction lead provider may have some initial perceived benefits (like not taking responsibility for becoming a true student of marketing) but there is one blow back that can really make you HATE your business…

Racing to the bottom…

The problem with Home Advisor leads is that when you get a lead for your local market, you also share that lead with a bunch of other local contractors…

And what ends up happening is that instead of competing with the quality of work you do, or even having a better personality or being more friendly, your prospective client has been put into the mindset of hiring the lowest bidder…

And this sucks for YOU!!!

Because the only way you’re going to “get the job” is by lowering your price point so much that you’re barely breaking even…

Are you in business to break even or to make profit?

Thought so…

Home Advisor Leads: Racing To The Bottom = Pain In The A$$ Clients

home advisor leadsSo lets say you’ve converted one of your Home Advisor leads into a signed contract… You’ve picked up the deposit, placed them on your schedule, and you begin the work…

From what my client in Denver told me:

“The moment you close the deal on a client that is ‘cheap’ or doesn’t have the budget to get what they really want, they begin to nickel and dime you for a boatload of extras that end up costing you time, money, and a massive headache… Especially if their threatening you with a bad Yelp review if you don’t…”

Or your Home Advisor leads could end up on putting you on like these guys 🙁

This is one of the worst places to be because…

  1. Now you’re losing money, so you tend to stop caring as much…
  2. You’re wasting and losing your most valuable asset that you can NEVER get back: Time…
  3. You can’t call any of your new race-to-the-bottom Home Advisor leads that have just come in…

As you can see, it can end up being a vicious cycle…

And instead of commanding the kind of money that you deserve for your services, you end up making much less for your time, working later nights, commuting in traffic longer, etc, etc…

But then it gets even worse…

Home Advisor Leads: Instead Of Authority Selling, You’re Stuck Hard Selling…

home advisor leadsWho would you take financial advice from, a poor person or a billionaire? (don’t get too deep with the “richness of life” stuff… This is serious!)

If you’re looking for help with creating financial security for you and your family, chances are (should be everyone) that you would look to the billionaire for advice…


Because they have what you want, and you instinctively know that if you model what the billionaire does and how the billionaire thinks, you can have what the billionaire has…

So if thats the case, would it be worth paying $25,000.00 to sit with the billionaire for a few hours to have him teach you the best ways to create financial security and avoiding all of the pitfalls and headaches?


And is the $25,000 fee worth the results you’ll get?


Now if a poor person is trying to sell you on financial advice, there is no way in hell he can do it from a position of authority… Why?

Because he’s poor…

I say ALL of that to say that when you’re competing with other contractors sole based upon price, you’re just another contractor…

But if you can position you and your business in the intersection of your ideal clients researching and purchasing, and you can provide them with valuable information that positions you as the expert and authority in your niche, you’re now THE contractor…

This is how we took our first remodeling business from 0 to $1million in sales within 12 months, all with me have ZERO construction experience…

I positioned our business, and more specifically, me personally as being the expert in the kitchen remodeling field… (even though all I was doing was using Google to find the questions that people were asking, then I’d learn the answer to the question, and then write a quick article or shoot a quick video on YouTube of me sharing the answer…

Next thing I know, I’ve become a mini celebrity…

And when I was still doing in home consultations for our company, people would kind of freak out and get a little star struck and say things like “I can’t believe its you! Oh my gosh, my wife and I have watched all of your videos! Let me get her on the phone, I can’t believe it’s really you!!”

Now sure, it was a stroke to the ego…

But most importantly, it allowed us to demand ANY price for our services, without having to compete with ANY other contractor…

Our clients trusted us, and did minimal complaining, micro managing, or anything else that annoys most contractors (we’ve actually had a few glasses of wine with our clients…)

And our clients didn’t even flinch (even with us being more expensive that our competitors…)

And unfortunately, you can’t do that with Home Advisor leads… Because to them, you’re just another “slime-ball” contractor…

Now that you understand the pitfalls of buying Home Advisor leads, and you’d like to learn more about the authority business model that we’ve used to build our businesses, simply enter your name and best contact info in the form below to schedule a free over the phone authority strategy session…

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Matthew Hamel
Matthew Hamel

I helped my dad quickly build a multiple 6 figure kitchen remodel business from scratch within the first 6 months of being in business. Let's just say I've learned a few things along the way...