Construction market research is ABSOLUTELY the most important thing you can do to increase your profits for your construction business. But the question is, do you know how to do construction market research and analysis?

Construction Market Research: Everyone DOES NOT Need Your Products Or Services

Many new construction business owners are clueless to the fact that not everyone needs or even wants their products or services. And when you’re doing construction marketing research, you have to be in the mindset of “targeting” vs hoping someone finds you…

Doing things like ValPac bulk mailers, unsolicited direct response mail, radio ads, etc. will have you pouring your hard earned money into the trash can… And some of it literally as most people check their mail over a trash can… Now I’m not saying direct response mail doesn’t work, it just doesn’t work if its not done properly…

But as the image above shows, when you’re doing your construction market research & analysis, you want to start looking to target people that are actively looking for your trade or services… You’ll spend money on getting in from of these people like you’d spend on the above mentioned ways to avoid, but the difference is that now you’ve truly given yourself a chance to see an ROI…

Construction Market Research: Analysis Of Your Research Data

So you’re crushing it with you’re construction market research, but now you’re looking at those “cost-per-click” numbers and are thinking “there’s NO WAY my business can afford $70 per CLICK!!

Not to worry… The one thing that Googles suggested bid really does for you is show you how much potential profit you’d make if you were ranking on the first page of Googles search results for that keyword or keyword phrase… (by the way, you can use googles research tool here)

The higher the “suggested bid” the hire the profit potential. Period.

And if you’re using Google Adwords for your marketing, which I HIGHLY recommend, there’s a really cool way to setup your account so you can avoid the high click prices…

But some other things you can do, especially if you’re on a lean start up budget, is claiming your Google places page and using the construction market research keywords to help get your Google business directory listing to the first page for your local area. Once you claim it, you can go to and look up “Google local citations” and pay someone $5 to get you citations in other local business directories.

The idea behind having citations is that the more citations you have, the higher you’ll rank in Google… And if you have more citations than your competition, then guess what? You’ll rank higher than them… Pretty simple and VERY cost effective. You’re welcome 🙂

Construction Market Research: Dominate With YouTube

When you’re doing your construction market research, you should keep a “running tab” on your list by adding more keywords and keyword phrases as you go along…

And you can really dominate your local area with these keywords by shooting a video FOR EVERY SINGLE KEYWORD AND KEYWORD PHRASE and posting it to YouTube.

The magic with using your construction market research results and YouTube together happens because Google OWNS YouTube and gives priority to listing videos before anything else… So If you have a Google local page and you have a TON of YouTube videos, you’re business will dominate and you’ve now positioned yourself to your audience as being the local expert and authority for your trade…

And if you’d like more info on construction market research, or you’d like to sign up for a free marketing strategy session, simply enter your name and best contact info in the form below…

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Matthew Hamel
Matthew Hamel

I helped my dad quickly build a multiple 6 figure kitchen remodel business from scratch within the first 6 months of being in business. Let's just say I've learned a few things along the way...